"...that the Lord hath made. I will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24
This is the day I felt better. This is the day I took a shower and washed and fixed my own hair. This is the day I thought I had two more days to wait for the official pathology results to come back.
This is the day my dear husband called me with news. Apparently he had tried to call me three times and I didn't hear my phone ring. My mom's phone rang and she handed it to me. Brian never calls me during the day. "Are you ok?" he said. I ask him the same thing. He never calls my mom's phone. "What's wrong?"
"Well, Dr. Li called me and he got the final pathology results back. It shows fibroadenoma. It's benign."
Seriously? Well, we were pretty sure this was the case, but now it's for real! The "highly suspicious probably cancerous" mass that has invaded and altered my life for the past few weeks has an official name, and it's not a duck! Benign. Fibroadenoma.
Wow! God is good. God worked a miracle. God gets all the glory, honor and praise! Now, some may want to explain this away as a strange form of fibroadenoma, but I know better. If you research fibroadenoma (and I have), my mass had many more characteristics of cancer than fibroadenoma. My mass was larger than most fibroadenomas (4.15 cm across). My mass was greatly lobulated (the more lobulation, the higher risk of cancer). My mass was calcified in places (another sign of cancer). My mass was spiculated (had fingers coming out of it; huge cancer sign). My mass had more characteristics of cancer than fibroadenoma. But my mass never had a chance. My God handled my mass. My God turned my mass into a fibroadenoma and made it benign. My God has a plan for my life. I will return the favor the best I can. I am totally unworthy of this awesome miracle.
Now my hubby can get me a real Mother's Day present. J/K! We were so sure this was cancer, that we decided we would spend the weekend in Natchitoches or somewhere to just get away by ourselves before I had to start chemo and radiation. Because of the size of the mass, if it were cancer, there would have definitely been chemo and radiation. Oh, we of little faith!?!? My God took care of all that. And, no, he doesn't really have to get me anything. Material things mean a lot less now. God gave me my life. God gave me more days with my family and friends. I received the best Mother's Day gift anyone could ever ask for - an official name for my "highly suspicious" mass. God named it for me. Wow!
Now, next step is to remove the stitches. I am so ready to pick up my baby, but I know my 28 lb chunk will wait. I have time. I just hate my mom has to stay with me to take care of him. But, today, I am really enjoying this time with my mom.
Next step after this is to have a few more tests ran. I'm still having hives. 11 months now. Thought we had it traced to a thyroid issue, hives went away for two weeks, and then came back with a vengeance. So now I try a new immunosuppressant drug and get tested for other cancers. There have been some studies that relate chronic hives with a malignancy somewhere in the body, so I have to get a few organs checked just to make sure. But, after all this, I'm no longer worried. I know God has it covered. I think He has proven that to me and then some.
Just think, if God Almighty cares this much about little ol Krissy from Shongaloo, think how much He care for you! Please take this testimony to heart. He heard your prayers. He loves you! Try a closer walk with Him and just see what miracles He can work in your life! That, and a self breast exam. Don't forget that ;)
Today I am thankful beyond words. Thankful for my miracle. I would like to say thank you to all of you who prayed for us, all of the kind and thoughtful words, cards, phone calls and messages. Thank you to my dear sweet brother and sister-in-law, Amanda and Kristi. I leaned on y'all probably more than I should have. I know I scared the poo out of you. Sorry bout that. Thank you for listening. Thank you for being my rocks!
Thank you Ms. Debbie for the beautiful Prayer Shawl. Thank you Ms. Linda for the wonderful inspirational book and bookmark. Thank you, Gracanne for the delicious seafood casserole! Thank you Union Springs Baptist Church in Shongaloo.Thank you First Baptist Church Haughton for the outpouring of prayers and support for our little family that was so new to your church. I am overwhelmed.
Thank you friends and family. God heard your prayers. I felt your prayers. I am eternally grateful.
This is the day... I begin the rest of my life. This is the day! Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice!
"This is the day that the Lord hath made. I will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24
Krissy, what a testimony!!! So wonderfully worded. I am so happy for you and your sweet family. We serve a prayer-answering God Who loves and cares. He does have a plan. Will be praying for your rapid recovery.