"...that the Lord hath made. I will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24
This is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Didn't think I could let that slip my blog, did ya? Of course, I am reminded of my scare only 5 months ago and the reason I started this blog. I found a lump. I never did self breast exams, but for some reason, while standing in the shower one day, I did. But I'm too young for breast cancer, so I waited. The lump got bigger. Finally got it checked out. Long story short. At the age of 32, the oncologist was 90% sure it was cancer. Talk about changing the way you look at your life! Can we say, "reality check?" Scheduled immediate surgery for lumpectomy. To all of the doctors surprise, it was not cancer. It was a juvenile fibroadenoma. I had beat the odds. God had worked an amazing miracle and spared me from cancer. I have a large, red scar on my right breast to remind me everyday of this miracle. I go for my check up next month, but know I'm in the clear. Why? Because I am now religious about doing my self breast exams!!!
Now, with all that said. If you are reading this, have you done a self breast exam lately? I don't care if you are 20 or 90 years old. Breast cancer is found in younger and younger women now. Age means nothing to cancer. Please, it only takes a few short minutes. If your are male, please, please, encourage every woman you care about to do a breast self exam. It could very well save their lives!
This experience has changed my life. It has also changed the way I look at friends. When I see those pink Breast Cancer Awareness ribbons, I am reminded of my dear sweet friends that wore pink for me on the day of my surgery. I think of all the thoughtful scriptures, prayers and messages send to me on the day of my surgery, especially that beautiful scripture I read while they were putting in my IV! I was amazed at the sweet support I received even from total strangers.
I'm sure you have heard the saying that you have friends for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. I used to wish I had more of those elusive lifetime friends. I have a totally different take on that now. I truly think God sends angels in the form of friends and acquaintances and sometimes even perfect strangers, to pick us up and give us encouragement when we need it the most. I had people who were just friends of friends or facebook friends that supported me in their sweet thoughts and words. I cried when I saw that people were wearing pink for me! I had a sweet fried I hadn't seen in a while drop by unexpectedly to bring a wonderful meal to my family while I was recovering, and I read and re-read all the sweet thoughts on this blog. On the flip side, I also had friends I considered close that never called, but life is busy and that is life, so I understand. Does this mean I won't be there for them because they weren't there for me? Absolutely not! Life has no room for selfishness. How many times have I dissappointed God? Has He turned His back on me? Absolutely not! He is my #1 lifetime friend, and as long as I have Him, I am blessed beyond measure!
So, I no longer classify my friends. I consider them all angels who have helped me in so many ways during this past crazy year and a half, and even before then. I also feel that even if I don't talk to someone on a regular basis, it's okay to be there when they need it. I hope to also be that person of encouragement whenever needed by any of my "angels" or even just perfect strangers.
I saw a lady in Brookshires a few weeks ago. She was on her phone and was visibly upset. She hung up her phone and stood there trying to compose herself. This image is burned in my mind. Why? Because I felt God pulling me to offer words of encouragement or pray with her, but I didn't. I didn't offer my support when someone needed it the most. I feel just awful and think of this every day. I can assure you, that if I ever see this again, I will listen to God and have no regrets. I hope you do this as well. It doesn't matter how well you do or do not know someone, sometimes we all need a little encouragement. So, slow down a bit and listen to that quiet voice of God. He will lead you to where and who needs it the most. Trust Him.
On another note, in case you were wondering, I have upped my dosages of immunosuppressants and am still having hives (although now as bad) and now, just to spice things up a bit, have had new symptoms. I have had random joint pain and swelling and some other symptoms that are leading my doctors to now think we are dealing with Lupus. However, we are not officially diagnosing anything yet. I have a young, eager rheumatologist, whom I love, that has scoured his medical books and thinks he is on to something in this rare genetic disease. So, I go for more genetic testing to see if his hunch is right. If so, this will completely change my course of treatment. So, the drama continues...
I also would like to thank my sweet "angels" who have gotten wreaths or tutus from me. You have no idea how much this has meant to my family. With the medical bills rolling in, everything helps more than you know.
So, this is the day, I am beyond thankful for God's tender mercy and his miraculous miracles He has worked on me and my family. This is the day I will continue my life and try to help as many people as God allows. This is the day I will not let this disease rule my life. This is the day I will live my life to please God. This is also the day I will strongly encourage you to do a self breast exam! This is the day I am so thankful for all my friends and angels!
"This is the day that the Lord hath made. I will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24